Continue south along Bayswater St and soon you will arrive at one of Kitsilano’s main drags: Broadway. Turn right onto Broadway and enjoy this humming area for a few blocks. When you reach Blenheim St go one block further south to 10th Ave. Look both ways along 10th Ave taking in this fantastic tree spectacle. You have now arrived at one of the grandest tree-lined streets not only in Kitsilano but also Vancouver. This is the location of our next featured tree: The Tulip Tree.
Tulip Tree
Proper Name: Liriodendron tulipifera
Common Name: Tulip Tree or Yellow Poplar
Description: The leaves have a very distinctive shape (see download), and are light in the summer turning brown and gold in the fall. The trees get their name from the beautiful and fragrant green and orange flowers. They are replaced in fall by a thick large capsule. The bark is a dark grey and furrowed.
Defining feature:The trees on 10th Ave don’t really look like Tulip trees as they have been pruned to go up instead of out. Notice the bumps at the bottom of the trucks where the lower branches have been chopped off.